Birmingham & District Dobermann Club
Established 1979
Downloads for our latest events.
Our most popular downloads and information on special events are now all in one place to make it much easier for you to find out more about presentations, seminars and events the Birmingham & District Dobermann Club are organising.
If you need further information, please drop us a line and we'll do our best to help.
You can now also enter our shows online, click on the link below:
Create your own unique username & password, enter all your dogs details (which will be saved for future use), then simply
select "enter a show" and scroll down by the show dates, choose our show and enter classes, pre-order catalogues etc.
Your entries will be confirmed via email.
(Please note that the administrators of the online portal charge an admin fee to make any changes once you have made your entry; this is out of our control.
In estimating the number of awards won, all wins up to & including the 7th day before the date of closing of postal entries shall be counted when entering for any class ie: Friday 20th September 2024 ~ if you think you're likely to "win out" of a classification, we suggest you wait until after this date to enter.)
Closing Dates for October Championship Show:
Postal Entries: 27th September (Postmark) Online Entries Close: Midnight Friday 4th October 2024