Birmingham & District Dobermann Club
Established 1979
Club Membership
The benefits of membership enable you to enter BDDC shows & events at reduced cost and make use of our website to advertise your litters. If you enter our shows and other events, the saving on entry fees for our shows could cover the total cost of your annual subscription.
Annual Subscription:
Single - £8.00
Joint - £9.00
Family - £10.00
Associate - £3.00
We pride ourselves on being a friendly club and all new members will be very warmly welcomed into the club membership. The BDDC encourages all members to become part of the local Dobermann owning community. Any help and support you need will be willingly and freely offered by members of the committee and the club. If you feel you have skills or ideas to benefit the club, please contact any of us to discuss your suggestions.
Please click here for a membership form to download & submit or, you can now complete our
online form & pay directly into our bank or PayPal account. Click here to access the form.