Living As A Positive Pack Leader...The DVD!
On Sunday 21st September we were delighted to host a seminar "Living As A Positive Pack Leader" with behaviourist and obedience trainer Colin Jones BA Hons. Dip.Dog. Psy who is also known as 'The Welsh Dog Whisperer'.
Colin kept everyone enthralled with his anecdotal accounts of working with dogs on a daily basis and introduced us to his own pack of Dobermanns who help him in his work. Colin kindly gave his permission for us to video the talk and we're now delighted to be able to bring you the edited version.
The DVD has almost three hours of Colins' talk in the hall including the "Q&A" sessions from the audience of enthusiastic owners who were all left wanting so much more, we could have gone on for several hours more!
All proceeds of the DVD will be donated to the Birmingham & District Dobermann Clubs' rescue fund; Throughout the year, the committee , members and exhibitors help to bolster this fund which has annually made donations in the region of £1,000 to recognised breed rescue societies, helping us to help the less fortunate of our breed.
The DVD is priced at £ 5.00 plus £1.00 to cover post & packing (if applicable). Please make cheques payable to "Birmingham & District Dobermann Club" and send to our Secretary Yvonne:
Yvonne Cox The Meadows 25 Ramillies Crescent Great Wyrley South Staffs WS6 6JG
Remember to include your name & address! Copies of the DVD will also be available to purchase at our forthcoming shows.