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A.G.M. Notice


Tuesday March 24th 2015 Commencing at 8.00 p.m. at Walsall Wood Methodist Church Hall. Lichfield Road, Walsall Wood. WS9 9NP

Will members please note that all items for the Agenda, nominations for Committee, or any proposal must be received by the Secretary 21 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. Any item for the Agenda must be received by the Secretary by March 2nd 2015

Any item or nomination must be duly proposed and seconded by a fully paid up member of at least six months standing prior to the closing date of the Annual General Meeting.

Nominee, proposer and seconder of any item must be current fully paid up members prior to 2nd October 2014

Nominations to stand as committee members must have been a fully paid up member for not less than 15 months prior to the closing date of the Annual General Meeting. The nominee must be a current fully paid up member since before 2nd December 2013 & their proposer and seconder not less than six months prior to the closing date.

The Agenda will be available to members, on request, seven days before the date of the A.G.M., otherwise circulated at the meeting.

Secretary Yvonne Cox. The Meadows, 25 Ramillies Crescent, Great Wyrley, South Staffordsire. WS6 6JG Telephone: 01922 701877

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